
Killa Pop


Track consideration for Killa playlist Spotify Playlists

Image of Track consideration for Killa playlist Spotify Playlists
On sale

36,000 Combined Followers

- Fresh Pop 15k follower with shorter play time but with the very best pop tracks!
- Killa Pop 12k follower playlist showcasing the very best in pop music.
- Endless Summer 3.8k summery dancey pop goodness.
- Killa Dance 800 Follower playlist with huge EDM Hits.
- Killa Guitars 850 Follower playlist with the freshest rock tracks
- Killa Acoustic 800 Follower playlist with chilled out and country vibes.
- Killa Gym Tracks 1k Follower Playlist with BRUTAL DANCE tunes to go hard to at the gym
- Killa Beats 800 Follower Playlist showcasing the best new Rap Tracks

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